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  • Writer's picture Dawn Barnes Photography

Control Your Focus

Updated: May 11, 2020

Well, the start of "shooting season" is not quite what I expected, or what anyone expected for that matter. Global pandemic, social distancing, quarantining at home, little to no human interaction outside of our immediate family, and certainly no photo shoots, at least not the human kind. And wait, what? Giant murder hornets have arrived ... did I hear that right?!

Unexpected - yes.

Unbelievable - you bet.

Disappointing - no doubt.

But in spite of it all, I believe there are lessons to be learned in every situation and opportunity awaits for those open and ready to take action. So, in the Barnes household we are embracing this slower pace of life and trying to maintain a positive outlook regarding this moment in time over which we have absolutely no control.

Brian's company has been significantly impacted, so right now he isn't traveling like normal for work, and most days he sets up shop with his computer and phone at the high top table in our kitchen. Both our boys are home for a change and not off with friends or at sports practices and games. Isaiah is missing out on all the fun that comes with the last few months of his senior year, but he remains optimistic amidst all the unknown. And as for me, I am working from home most days, fitting in DIY home projects where I can, exercising in our garage, and trying to find anything I possibly can to photograph (I seriously think I am experiencing withdrawal!). To be honest, it's pretty nice having everyone around, and so far I haven't killed anyone! Our four pups are also loving the extra attention 24-7 and they don't seem to mind me stalking them with my camera (be prepared for dog photo overload). And on top of all this, we've also started a new "side hustle" in hopes of creating some sustainable residual income, because as so many right now have witnessed firsthand, the exchange of time for money just doesn't cut it in times like this! (Intrigued? Message me and I'll share more!)

So how are you doing? How is your outlook on life at the moment? Are you viewing this time as an obstacle or an opportunity? If you're stuck at home or without work, are you taking this unfounded extra time to learn something new? Can you find something positive to embrace? We didn't see any of this coming, but I do know this, God was not surprised by any of it. Maybe He is trying to get our attention. Maybe He is trying to prune our priorities and reset our focus.

If you have any experience with photography, you know quite well that the focus controls the overall outcome of an image. Focus creates sharpness; it enhances a subject by making it stand out from or blend into its surroundings; focus can draw in the viewer and evoke an emotional response. Similarly in life, changing your focus can change the whole picture! And especially right now, the only thing we really have control over is what we choose to focus on. Everything else seems to be out of our hands. So I leave you with

this -- Where are you choosing to place your focus today?

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

P.S. -- Enjoy some dog photos ... Because animal pictures always bring a smile! And when we can be together again, I'll be here, ready with my camera to capture your beautiful faces!


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